How To build Your Own YouTube ReVanced APK Using Reisxd’s Revanced Builder?

Creating this improved APK is not as easy as downloading and installing the official APK directly on your Android device, but following a few simple steps will get you there in no time. I created my own version of his Revanced APK using reisxd’s Revanced Builder.

First, you must download Termux, an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly without rooting your device. You can download the latest version of Termux from F-Droid and run the following command:

curl -sLo chmod +x ./

Integrating the builder will start installing it on your device. Then you have to select the app you want to patch (YouTube in this case) and wait for the software to download the dependencies and finally the application itself. 

APK file is in the phone’s internal storage.

To run it further, use ./ again.

To update it, use  ./ update and for reinstalling, use ./ reinstall (they both do different things). 

To notice other commands, use ./ help. 

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